Friday, June 15, 2012

Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales, June 15th, 2012

The virtue of fortitude and moral strength is never acquired in time of peace, when we are not tested by the contrary temptation. Some people are very meek when they do not have to suffer any contradiction, but when they are tested they quickly change. This shows quite clearly that their meekness was not a true and solid virtue. There is a big difference between the absence of a vice and the presence of a virtue. Many people seem to be virtuous but do not actually possess a virtue because they have not had to fight to acquire it. It often happens that our passions are dormant or are stifled, and if throughout those times, we do not build a good supply of fortitude to combat them, we will collapse when we are attacked.

 (Spiritual Treatises XVI; O. VI, p. 294)

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